Before you get to the thousands of choices you’ll face when building your dream home, there’s one crucial decision to be made—WHO will you trust to build your ideal space?
We live in a day where it’s easy enough to do a ton of research LONG BEFORE you make that first point of contact.
So after you’ve talked to friends, scoured over websites, and “stalked” on Facebook and Instagram, what “filters” can you use to make this all-important determination.
Here are 5 questions you might not have thought to consider.
1) Does He Have a 1,000 Foot View?
Viewing something from 30,000 feet refers to being able to take in the “big picture” of a circumstance. And this is helpful if you tend to get stuck in the details.
However, equally valuable is being close enough to see with PRECISION. In this case, a “1,000-foot view” is more advantageous.
So what does this have to do with your builder?
He needs to have a grasp of YOUR big picture, all while being involved in the more precise details.
A builder that’s involved in the initial design meetings AND also stays connected through any warranty matters—and BEYOND—values the benefits of the 1,000-foot view.
How Can You Know? Ask him how he will come to understand the day-to-day functionality your family needs in a home. What is his process for gathering the specific details that will matter to you? Additionally, this first meeting is a perfect time to inquire about his warranty policies on all aspects of the end product.
2) How Long is the Chain of Command?
Questions will come up during the home building journey, and inevitably there may be concerns or issues.
What will the chain of command look like? Will you be expected to speak with subs, managers, assistants—or will you have access to the builder himself?
Obviously, the bigger the company that you work with, the less likely you’ll ALWAYS be dealing directly with the builder. But it’s helpful to know WHO you’ll be dealing with ahead of the process.
How Can You Know? Get clarity on this before contracts are signed. Is he comfortable to give you his cell number so that you can go straight to the source when you have concerns? Check through client reviews to see if being available or unavailable is a common theme.
3) How Will, His Subs and Suppliers, Impact Your Timeline?

A good builder can give you an estimated timeframe for when your home will be completed. However, it’s essential to be realistic and to expect that unforeseen delays are not uncommon for EVERY builder.
That’s why it’s favorable when your builder has been in the business long enough to create solid relationships with others in the construction industry.
Builders that have a good rapport with subcontractors and suppliers get better response times with deliveries and scheduling.
How Can You Know? If you want to do your homework, call around and ask some of the local providers—for lumber, appliances, flooring, windows, etc.—to see what kind of reputation your potential builder has. You can also check to see if he is a member of the Better Business Bureau.
4) Is Licensing and Insurance Up-To-Date?
While checking on some of these more technical details, it’s prudent to check in with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation—otherwise known as the DPBR.
It’s here that you can ensure your builder has the required licensing for the state of Florida. And that he’s current on all necessary insurances.
If he’s had a good track record with the local municipalities, then you can expect he’ll be able to get a quick resolution, should any issues arise.
How Can You Know? This requires a simple phone call, or enter the builder’s name on this website:
5) Does He Care About Green Building Practices?
Whether you’re intentional to make good choices about your impact on the environment OR it’s mildly on your radar, a builder that incorporates the current Green Building Practices is a cut-above his competitors.
You’ll appreciate that he cares enough to continue his education on the latest—and cleaner technologies—but you’ll LOVE that it translates to lower monthly energy costs for your family moving forward.
How Can You Know? If you’re not able to find evidence of how he implements Green Practices into his homes when you do your initial research, then ask during your interview. Since building “green” can have to do with the earth, energy, water, and health, ask him to give you specific examples of what a “green” home means to him.
Getting Ready to Build Your Dream Home?
There’s no question that you will be connected with the person you choose to build your home for many years to come. It’s a decision with far-reaching consequences.
Set up a FREE consult with Jim Rahman to find out if Westmont Custom Homes is the right fit for you and your family.